Software – a destination or a journey?

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I think it’s safe to say cloud software is now firmly embedded in our personal and business lives. Even before the pandemic things were changing – and the last two years have moved things forward in ways and at a speed I don’t think we could have begun to imagine.


Migration with Bridge Financials

Do you know where you’re going to?
Migration – there has to be a reason for it. And that reason has to be to make an improvement.
Why would you do it otherwise?

Who’s afraid of the big bad upgrade?

Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Upgrade

I was! I had to get a new phone recently, I managed to drop mine and shattered the screen, and there was no point replacing it, I was out of contract anyway but had moved to SIM only and had been putting off changing – it was a good phone, it did the job. But […]

Music To My Ears


‘Since we moved to Xero we haven’t used any spreadsheets’. Making any change has to be for a reason – there needs to be a benefit, something worth going through the disruption for. There can be many different reasons for moving to Xero but one of the most compelling is the accessibility of the data […]

Lessons Learnt From Sailing Part 3 – Preparation or Failure?


Part of the safety briefing when I sail is the 3 Fs – fire, flood and falling overboard. Any one of those events could be disastrous, especially with an inexperienced crew on board who are more likely to panic if things start to go wrong. We go through the drill as to what to do […]

Lessons Learnt From Sailing Part 2 – Stormy Weather

Storm Clouds

When you’re sailing you always have an eye on the weather – hence the expression ‘keep a weather eye’. Life is full of storms and squalls, both literal and metaphorical, which we have to navigate, and the better prepared we are then the more likely we are to come out the other side, a little […]

Lessons Learnt from Sailing Part 1 – Captain or crew?

Llfs Captain

As someone who likes to be in control there is one thing I do where I am happy to do as I’m told – which might surprise some people! It’s sailing. I love being on a boat, I love the sensation when the sails go up, the engine goes off, the wind takes over and […]

Making The Move

Moving to Xero

I’ve moved house far too many times to make mistakes – but last time I moved I did. And that got me thinking about the increasing demand by businesses who want to move to cloud accounting – but who might make mistakes along the way. Mistakes which I can help you avoid. I’d moved to […]

Can’t buy me…

Accountancy technology and money

There are plenty of things money can’t buy – but there are plenty of things it can! There are the necessities – food, clothing, shelter.There are the luxuries – different things for different people obviously! Holidays, theatre trips, sparkly jewellery, an Aston Martin, a massive TV with surround sound, escaping on a boat to a […]

Cloud Reflections Part 2

Cloud technology

There has been plenty of talk about the growth of machine learning and artificial intelligence and yes, accountancy is one of the professions earmarked to be the dinosaur of the 21st century, heading for extinction. But on its own technology doesn’t deliver the full picture; it enables different working practices – more efficient, cost effective […]